Hotspot for local favorites every Saturday from March through November.
Ponce de Leon Park from 9 AM to 1 PM.
Become a Vendor
Interested in Becoming a 2025 Tallahassee Downtown Market Vendor?
Please fill out the 2025 Tallahassee Downtown Market Vendor Application.
Once you have submitted your application, our staff will email you to let you know if your application is approved. Once approved, staff will assign you a Vendor ID Number and will give you instructions on how to reserve your space at upcoming markets. You will not be able to purchase a space at an upcoming market without an approved application and Vendor ID Number.
The vendor information packet is available HERE.
Pricing for Vendors
There is no annual fee or application fee to be a vendor. There is a flat $35 fee for each regular Saturday market that you choose to attend. This fee applies to all vendor types. We typically host three special markets during the year that will have an increased fee.
Payment must be received by 5:00 PM on Wednesday in advance of the Saturday market. Vendors may purchase a space in advance for future markets.
You must have an approved application and Vendor ID Number to purchase a space. Please use the link below to purchase/reserve a space at future markets.

Sponsorship Opportunities
With benefits built in, supporting local businesses has never been easier.
Get in touch.
Need more information about the Downtown Market? Send us a message.