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The First Mothers Mural
Mural with Partners from The Seminole Tribe of Florida, Ah-Tah-Thi-Ki Museum, Sperry Construction, Knight Foundation through The Community Foundation of North Florida.
For the first time in Tallahassee, images of the Seminole Tribe of Florida have been created by members of the Seminole Tribe. Artist Wilson Bowers said “ I know there's always visuals of [..] our culture like patchwork or representations of Osceola, but we are more than that, we are a people with a history, a people with a rich and colorful culture with traditions that still survive on today despite going through all that we faced. We are more than a name of a school, we are more than just patchwork or spears, yes these things are a part but just a part, I wanted to share something a little bit different, something a little bit more as to who we are. This is what inspired me with the piece, I wanted it to be eye-catching and colorful, such as the clothing and patchworks our seamstresses make but also represent us all. So in addition to being bold being simple enough to read even for children. ..For Tallahassee to have someone of the Tribe to do a piece was awesome and I appreciate the opportunity very much. How often is it that aspects of our culture or our history is visually done and made by non indigenous artist?”